Wednesday, December 10, 2008

When you don't know where to start, start at the begining.

So here it goes. I have absolutely no time to do something like this, but since I recently gave up playing online games, I can do this. Let me first begin by saying that this will in no way be some great spot for deep philosophical ideas. Just wanted to set the bar at a reasonable level. For those of you who know me... who am I kidding, nobody I know will read this. They are probably already tired of me being a drain on their IQ.
The real reason be me starting this blog is because I need something to do while I sit in my "Judeo-Christian Traditions" class. I know I should be taking notes, but I can't. Seriously, this prof is the hardest person I have ever had to listen to. It's not that he is monotone, or even boring. It may be even the opposite. He is one of those who tries way too hard to be interesting, and the fact that he isn't makes it very painful to listen to. I would call him a Thesaurus Lecturer, he is one of those guys who tries to wow us all with all the words he knows for a simple idea. Here is an example, he can't just say God, he has to say, "God, Designer, Creator, Orchestrator, etc." I just want to scream, "OK we get it! Move on, we know you mean God." He does this about every other sentence. If you took out all these extra words for the same idea, his course would go from about 50 minutes to 15.
Again for those of you who are new to my life, I should tell you that I am a Religious Studies Major at the University of Iowa. It has got to be the most useless study ever. I am serious. Almost every professor I have had so far makes you buy their own textbook, but then they don't even follow it. This guy says he doesn't read it during the course because his views have changed and the text would confuse him. Well thanks a lot you idiot. It confuses you? How about us poor saps who have to take a test on this crap. I had a test here that specified on the test whether to answer the question according to the lectures or the readings. You literally have to know two separate, different, opposite, varying, changing (sorry, just wanted you to know what its like) answers for the same question, and then have to remember if you learned it from the text or from the lecture.
So why take this if it drives me crazy? First of all, its an end to a means. All I want to do is get my BA and move on to Seminary. To be honest I figure I can glean something out this, and in the long run this track will require the least amount of effort to get where I want to go. As torturous as it is, you really don't have to work too hard to get a decent grade. Maybe sometime I will tell you about my views on a college degree only being an expensive certificate saying you can successful regurgitate what your professors say without having an original thought of your own.
That is probably about enough for now, and class is getting ready to get out, so I need to wrap it up. Sorry about those of you who feel like you jumped into the middle of a book without even knowing what the book is about. Hopefully it will be interesting enough for you to check back in and I will catch you up on some history, and we can make some of our own.
Talk to you all later.


1 comment:

  1. I most definitely agree.

    Maybe if you update your blog I'll feel compelled to update mine more frequently. Maybe.
