Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Are iPods Evil?

Now I am not one to say that all technology is bad. I tend to believe that no object is inherently evil, its all in how one uses it. Guns are not evil, cars are not evil, the Internet is not evil, but they can all be used for evil. My point is this, iPods can be evil too, but not for the reason that you may think I would think this. I guess maybe I was born about 80 years too late. What ever happened to people talking to each other? What ever happened to getting to know the people around you. I mean people are so focused on themselves. I see people in the grocery store with their stupid iPod in. How are we as Christians supposed to witness and be a light to those around us if all we want to do is put our ear plugs in and tune the rest of the world out. Don't try and tell me that your listening to the Bible or some preaching, even if that is true, do it in the car. Maybe try the crazy notion of reading the Bible.

Now before I sound all hypocritical, I do own an iPod. I even got a great gift certificate for Christmas to get some of my favorite songs, but hopefully I wont be one of those people who walks around all day long with my earwax collectors in. I don't know, maybe it just bugs me for no rational reason what so ever so I have to find some feel good Christian reason to wine about it. But, seriously everyone seems to long for the good old days. Even though the good old days where not that great, but at least you knew some of the people around you. Some would say, "Well now we have things like Facebook to keep in touch with people."

Seriously? I have 90 some friends on Facebook and I haven't had a conversation with 85 of them in over five years. They aren't friends, their people you know. It just proves my point, we tell ourselves we are these social animals and everyone loves us, but in reality we post how we are doing that day and may two people actually give a rip.

A lot like this little idea. There are realistically two people who will even read this, but oh well. It makes me feel better. Some people go to therapy, I do this.

So here is my challenge for the new year. Take out the ear buds, put down the news paper, and ask the person next to you how they are today. Here's an even greater idea. Try actually meaning it, they can tell. You never know who you're with unless you ask.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Death over life, Moloch alive and well.

I was on my into school today and picked up a copy of the Daily Iowan. On the front page was a big picture of the Emma Goldman Center. This obviously perked my interest. For those of you who don't know what this place is, I'll fill you in. The Emma Goldman Center is local abortion clinic. Now that may not be totally fair, but its about the same as calling McDonald's a hamburger joint. Not everyone that goes to McDonald's gets a burger. I mean you could get chicken, an ice cream cone, or just a drink. But, the fact remains that they specialize in burgers. Just like I'm sure the Emma Goldman Center does other things than preform abortions, but everyone knows what they specialize in.
So needless to say the picture grabbed my attention. The headline was below the fold so I didn't know right away what the story was about. As thoughts of what this story would contain raced through my head, I was surprised to find out that the story was highlighting the lack of OB/GYNs in the state. The article is fairly well written and makes valid points about Iowa's lack of specialized health care for women, but my question was what does that have to do with an abortion clinic.
The only answer I can come up with is that this writer must equate, or at least not distinguish between, an OB/GYN and someone who routinely preforms abortions. I do not know this writer at all and so far I have not contacted her, but this legitimate story illustrates how callused our society has come to the slaughter of our unborn. A good story is accented with a picture of an abortion clinic. I in no way intend to start another round of the abortion debate. I only hope to show how we as a society have become so morally corrupt and may not even realize it.
Any other number of pictures could have been used. You have a truly great hospital less than a mile away and someone couldn't walk over and get a picture of a woman getting an ultrasound? How about a new born baby? A room full of women waiting to see their doctor? No, we write about women's health so it has to be an abortion clinic. Death over life.
I don't think the writer was trying to make any kind of statement. Maybe she was, but it does bring to light a mindset that this generation has. I actually hope the writer wants to push an agenda, because then it would be one writer's opinion and it would be easy for me to dismiss. If the picture was not intentional, then no connection was even considered. That is scary and today is truly a sad day.

The story.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

When you don't know where to start, start at the begining.

So here it goes. I have absolutely no time to do something like this, but since I recently gave up playing online games, I can do this. Let me first begin by saying that this will in no way be some great spot for deep philosophical ideas. Just wanted to set the bar at a reasonable level. For those of you who know me... who am I kidding, nobody I know will read this. They are probably already tired of me being a drain on their IQ.
The real reason be me starting this blog is because I need something to do while I sit in my "Judeo-Christian Traditions" class. I know I should be taking notes, but I can't. Seriously, this prof is the hardest person I have ever had to listen to. It's not that he is monotone, or even boring. It may be even the opposite. He is one of those who tries way too hard to be interesting, and the fact that he isn't makes it very painful to listen to. I would call him a Thesaurus Lecturer, he is one of those guys who tries to wow us all with all the words he knows for a simple idea. Here is an example, he can't just say God, he has to say, "God, Designer, Creator, Orchestrator, etc." I just want to scream, "OK we get it! Move on, we know you mean God." He does this about every other sentence. If you took out all these extra words for the same idea, his course would go from about 50 minutes to 15.
Again for those of you who are new to my life, I should tell you that I am a Religious Studies Major at the University of Iowa. It has got to be the most useless study ever. I am serious. Almost every professor I have had so far makes you buy their own textbook, but then they don't even follow it. This guy says he doesn't read it during the course because his views have changed and the text would confuse him. Well thanks a lot you idiot. It confuses you? How about us poor saps who have to take a test on this crap. I had a test here that specified on the test whether to answer the question according to the lectures or the readings. You literally have to know two separate, different, opposite, varying, changing (sorry, just wanted you to know what its like) answers for the same question, and then have to remember if you learned it from the text or from the lecture.
So why take this if it drives me crazy? First of all, its an end to a means. All I want to do is get my BA and move on to Seminary. To be honest I figure I can glean something out this, and in the long run this track will require the least amount of effort to get where I want to go. As torturous as it is, you really don't have to work too hard to get a decent grade. Maybe sometime I will tell you about my views on a college degree only being an expensive certificate saying you can successful regurgitate what your professors say without having an original thought of your own.
That is probably about enough for now, and class is getting ready to get out, so I need to wrap it up. Sorry about those of you who feel like you jumped into the middle of a book without even knowing what the book is about. Hopefully it will be interesting enough for you to check back in and I will catch you up on some history, and we can make some of our own.
Talk to you all later.